My adventures in Splatoon
I started playing Splatoon in 2017 shortly after trying out Splatoon at my niece's. I played a multiplayer mode with them, and found the most fun I had with a game in a while that I had to go buy not only the game, but also a Switch, which was my first game consol I had played on since I went to college.
Other than that brief interaction, I've never played Splatoon, the original, but I knew a bit about the lore, and also Splatoon 2's hero mode is very similar to Splatoon's, if what I've heard is correct. The major difference is the online modes of turf war and ranked matches.
Splatoon 2 is where I really got into gaming. I was already pretty aware of games from when I was a kid playing Pokemon Yellow and watching my brother's beat Final Fantasy VII and many other games, but it was usually from the backseat. They would play the game, and I would watch. Splatoon 2 was my first multiplayer shooter game, and I loved it. By the time Splatoon 3 came out, I had played 4,200 hours of Splatoon 2, got to X rank, went into competitive, and was a dedicated streamer for a tournament for almost a year.
While I know Splatoon 2 was always not as good as Splatoon according to a lot of community, and especially with such a horrendous meta for about a year before Splatoon 3 came out, it's still something very precious to me as my first forray into a gaming community and figuring out what I did and did not enjoy when it came to playing games with others.
As for the games themselves, Splatoon, in the three versions of the game, is a multi-player third person shooter game. Or, as much of a shooter game as it can be when some of the weapons are paintbrushes, rollers, windshield wipers, and fire hydrants. You play as a squidling or, in later iterations, an octoling. The first matches you play are turf war, and you use your weapon of choice to paint and control as much of the map as you can. Later on, you can play ranked matches where there is a specific objection. I've always been more inclined to the ranked modes because the objective makes them more interesting, but I've played a lot more turf war in Splatoon 3.
Splatoon 3 has wip
In all three games, there are events called splatfests where you pick a team, and duke it out in what is competitive turf. Below you'll see the splatfest teams I joined, and on the sidebar the "stamps" tab will have all the buttons I've created for splatfests. I personally enjoyed the shifty stations in Splatoon 2 a bit more than the tricolor matches in Splatoon 3. While both fit the lore of their games, I feel like Marina personally taking part in making the shifty stations and that adding a third random stage to the splatfests added more than the trifests where the gimick is defending against two teams, or working together with another team to take down a third just brings a lot of frustration after the first couple of splatfests where it was really cool to see different ink colors. Plus, there was rarely unique stages for the tricolor matches. Most of them were on an edited main stage, and it was only when there were unique maps that really made the tricolor matches shine.
this is a wip!
Splatoon 3 Splatfests 
Splatoon 3 Splatfest World Premiere
Splatoon 2 Splatfests
To see all the team's stamps click on the stamps button on the sidebar. It's not ready yet, so please be patient!
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Splatoon pixel icons above:
Splatoon OctoExpansion Fonts: @kirbypost-generator on tumblr and this reddit post by MartinDisk on how to add custom fonts to neocities.
Everything else is supplied by Nintendo whether by being in-game assets or official art.